
St. Pölten - Austria


15th to 17th May 2020

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Single, Double and Mixed - Women and Men,
born from year 1984 and older (O35-O75) 
Ladies are eligible to play in O35 born from year 1994 and older (O25)

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Our official tournament hotel is the "Das ALFRED".
Participants get 10% off the overnight stay (without breakfast) with the password: "Badminton".
Please book your accommodation on time.

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Evening Event

A highlight to the point sociability is the evening visit in a "Wirzhaus"

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Additional Information

if you need information in English or German
please contact:

Ing. Ernst Liska

+43 676 88583888

if you need information in Polish, Czech, Slovak or Russian, please contact:

Dariusz Nahrebecki

+43 699 10668410